Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 23, 2008
I was so tired this day because I had do many things. But I am Happy. I went at the school early because I had something to do but I can't finish it because we have a problem at the internet but the problem was solved.............I wish on the next day I would not encounter bad things......... I was cramming to do my blog because I do many things........................ But I was thankful because I finish it on time............

January 21, 2008
It was Monday and we have to arrived early because we are very sure that we can encounter a heavy traffic. But thank God because I arrived at the school as early as I expected. This day we do not have class but I went here because I had to do my midterm examination in Online. I was very tired this day because I had so many things did. But I was happy because I with my friends. We went home late because of the heavy traffic we encounter when we were going home. When we went home my stepmother was not there so we forced to cook our foods. 8 o'clock already when she went home and I slept 11 o'clock......

January 20, 2008
Sunday....It was the time to went at the church but we were not able to went because the church was too far so we only stay at our house. That day my stepmother were planning to went home at there province so when it was already afternoon she went home. My sister and I was the one who left in our house that was not our first time but of course we're afraid because we didn't know the persons around us. But at the end of that day we were safe.
It was Saturday and I can woke up anytime...hehehe...But I can't do that because we had to clean our house. I planned that day to wash our cloths but my younger sister do that so I forced to cleaned our house. After cleaning Our house I watch television. There was nothing important happened that time. But even I don't experience anything th

Again I woke up early because I had a class that time. That day we have to went t Camp Aguinaldo because Mr. No

January 17, 2008
This day was a happy day and a exciting day because this day we were scheduled to had an interview in IRDF. I woke up early because I had to cook food for my sister. After that I ready the clothes that I will wash that day. When it was already 10 o'clock I got ready because my group mates and I had to met before 1 o'clock. That time we have a financial problem but I had to went on our interview so the money that I kept for how many days I used so that I was able to attend on our meeting. 11:30 I went to the meeting place. I was nervous that time because that will be the first time to went in Fairview alone. But thank God because I saw my group mates easily. I am excited because that is also my first time to interview a person who I just only met that time. I was happy because I had a new experience to share to my friends. After our interview we went in our school because I had to do our report but we're not able to used computer because there are no vacant. When it was already 5 o'clock I decided to went home. It was difficult to ride again because all of the bus were full so I arrived at our house at 6 o'clock pm. Even my friends were not there that time I was happy because again God do not leave me........
Arlyn's Diary From 16 to 23

This day was a typical day for me because like the ordinary days passed to me I just do what my everyday routine. I woke up early because I have to went in the school early. I thought that time I was late because our class that time started at 8 o'clock but to my surprise I was the first one who went at our school. When our school was open I decided to work on the computer because I have important things to do. A minutes later my instructor arrived so I went to our classroom. My classmates have a report that time but I think they were not ready for their report because they do not have any visuals. After our class my next instructor didn't came. When it was already 3 o'clock I was not able to went home because I had to wait my sister. 5:45 pm we were able to rode at the bus because that time it was difficult to rode. 6 o'clock we went home. I was too tired that time so i was not able to do my homework. I just rest that night.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My Autobiography.... Verity in my Life.....

I am Arlyn Santiago, born on July 10, 1990 at Alua, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Second child to the thrid siblings of Arturo and Rosalie Santiago. My sisters are Aprilyn and Anabelle Santiago.
I was six years old when I first enter in the school. The first school I had studied is Ferree Nursery School. I was transfered at General de Jesus College when I was in pre-elementary. I studied there since pre-elmentary until highschool.
On that school I experience many different things. I had met there different people and some of them became my friends. I also experience there the different treatment to me of the other children. They always tease me because of the reason I am not normal like them. I am so thankful that time because my older sister always protect me.
When I was in first year highschool I was so nervous because that was the feeling I always felt every the class started. I was second year highschool when I first experience the most unexpected tragedy happened into my life. I really don't expect that in my early life my mother will gone. I am not ready to loose her because for me she is the only reason why I am living here in this world that time I felt I am alone and I felt that it was the end of my life. That time I only knew that kind of moment happened on the television so to my surprise it happened to me. I can't cry that time because I am very shocked on what happened. After that experience I promise to myself that I will do all my best to achieve all my dreams.
After one or two years an unexpected moment happened again into my life. It was November 2006 when my father “biglaan” introduce her new wife. That night I was hurt because for me the memories of my mother was forget by my father. It brings to us so much pain. It took so long before I accept the fact that he had a new wife.
Our life continues to us. Me and two sister were living in our house in Nueva Ecija while my father was working here in Manila. Our situation was very difficult to us because sometimes my father did not have so much attention to us and it brings to us the feeling that we did not have any parents.
I just ignore the things happened in our life when I was studying. My father went home when our graduation came then after that he came back here in Manila. On that matter I understand him until one week or two his “sustento” was lacking. He didn't now that because my father was not the type of father who is showy. I was hurt then so I decided to went on the province of the family of my mother. There I say what we experience and It was caused so much interuption to the lives of my aunties and father. That time what I did was called in tagalog “naglayas”. I know it is bad but my only point that time is to make my father to realize that he was lacking attention and “suporta” to us. Sad to say, at the end the result was I was wrong on what I did. I also realize that I become selfish that time. I didn't think the how my father sacrifice only to give all our needs.
Now, I am 17 years old a first year college student here in Asian Academy of Business and Computer. I am living with my father and his new wife at Valenzuela City. I can say that until now it was difficult to me to accept his new wife but I know it has a right time that I can accept her. Actually were not close because I don't like her attitude... I don't only show that to my father but I know he knew it.
In my different experience happened into my life ther are some quotes and saying tha

" In our world there are no permanent things and the only permanent was "PAGBABAGO"
" Accept your mistakes and you will be granted"
" Show your love to your love ones before it was too late..."
" Give imporatance to the person who love you because they will never be with you forever..."
Biography of Karl Marx.....

Karl Heinrich Marx was born the third of seven children of a Jewish family in Trier, in the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine. His father Heinrich (1777–1838), who had descended from a long line of rabbis, converted to Christianity, despite his many deistic tendencies and his admiration of such Enlightenment figures as Voltaire and Rousseau. Marx's father was actually born Herschel Mordechai, but when the Prussian authorities would not allow him to continue practicing law as a Jew, he joined the official denomination of the Prussian state, Lutheranism, which accorded him advantages, as one of a small minority of Lutherans in a predominantly Roman Catholic region. His mother was Henrietta (née Pressburg; 1788–1863); his siblings were Sophie, Hermann, Henriette, Louise (m. Juta), Emilie and Caroline.
Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883) was a 19th century philosopher, political economist, and revolutionary. Often called the father of communism, Marx was both a scholar and a political activist. He addressed a wide range of political as well as social issues, but is best known for his analysis of history, summed up in the opening line of the Communist Manifesto (1848): “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”. Marx believed that capitalism, like previous socioeconomic systems, will produce internal tensions which will lead to its destruction. Just as capitalism replaced feudalism, capitalism itself will be displaced by communism, a classless society which emerges after a transitional period in which the state would be nothing else but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.
On the one hand, Marx argued for a systemic understanding of socioeconomic change. On this model, it is the structural contradictions within capitalism which necessitate its end, giving way to communism:
“The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.”
(The Communist Manifesto
On the other hand, Marx argued that socioeconomic change occurred through organized revolutionary action. On this model, capitalism will end through the organized actions of an international working class: "Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence." (from The German Ideology)
While Marx was a relatively obscure figure in his own lifetime, his ideas began to exert a major influence on workers' movements shortly after his death. This influence was given added impetus by the victory of the Marxist Bolsheviks in the Russian October Revolution, and there are few parts of the world which were not significantly touched by Marxian ideas in the course of the twentieth century. The relation of Marx to "Marxism" is a point of controversy. Marxism remains influential and controversial in academic and political circles.