January 17, 2008
This day was a happy day and a exciting day because this day we were scheduled to had an interview in IRDF. I woke up early because I had to cook food for my sister. After that I ready the clothes that I will wash that day. When it was already 10 o'clock I got ready because my group mates and I had to met before 1 o'clock. That time we have a financial problem but I had to went on our interview so the money that I kept for how many days I used so that I was able to attend on our meeting. 11:30 I went to the meeting place. I was nervous that time because that will be the first time to went in Fairview alone. But thank God because I saw my group mates easily. I am excited because that is also my first time to interview a person who I just only met that time. I was happy because I had a new experience to share to my friends. After our interview we went in our school because I had to do our report but we're not able to used computer because there are no vacant. When it was already 5 o'clock I decided to went home. It was difficult to ride again because all of the bus were full so I arrived at our house at 6 o'clock pm. Even my friends were not there that time I was happy because again God do not leave me........
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